Renew on Time & Save!Individual memberships are for one year. All memberships expire on 01/31 of each year.
If you aren’t a member of VCCJA, we invite you to join in 2022. Membership is open to anyone who is interested in advancing the mission of the Association. Student memberships are for one year. This applies to full time students only, which is defined as 12 or more credit hours/semester. Student members shall not be entitled to vote, nor hold any active office and shall not be counted at any time in determining a quorum or majority for any purpose. All memberships expire on December 31 of the current year.
Student memberships are for one year. This applies to full time students only, which is defined as 12 or more credit hours/semester. Student members shall not be entitled to vote, nor hold any active office and shall not be counted at any time in determining a quorum or majority for any purpose. All memberships expire on December 31 of the current year. Membership renewals are due by February 28, 2022.