Evidence Based Practices

Evidence Based Practices (EBP) is using treatment and community supervision practices that have been proven through rigorous scientific research to reduce crime and recidivism. EBP reduces recidivism by delivering multifaceted supervision and interventions that respond to each offender’s particular situation based on his or her criminogenic/dynamic risk factors for engaging in criminal activity.

EBP is not a single program but a layered process that includes:

  • Risk assessment

  • Communication skills that enhance offender motivation to change

  • Proven recidivism reducing treatment specific to each offender

  • Comprehensive and ongoing research and evaluation

EBP in Virginia Probation & Pretrial Services Agencies

Like many probation agencies across the nation, Virginia has experienced increasing levels of probationer non-compliance with supervision conditions resulting in violations that often lead to unsuccessful termination from supervision. In 2005, VCCJA and DCJS committed to addressing this trend by integrating evidence-based practices (EBPs) into all probation and pretrial services agencies. The goal of this initiative is to use practices that have been empirically tested and have been shown to reduce recidivism among offenders.

Evidence based conclusions are based on over 500 scientifically validated research studies (meta-analysis). Recidivism can be predicted by using validated risk assessments that can identify and assess criminogenic needs. Recidivism can be empirically reduced by addressing and positively changing these criminogenic needs.

EBP for Local Probation