Community Corrections/
Local Probation
Community Corrections Agencies screen and assess clients for criminogenic risk and need and utilize case planning and motivational interviewing to address identified risk factors and enhance a client’s intrinsic desire to make behavioral changes.
Community Corrections offers:
Community Corrections in Virginia
Local community-based probation agencies were created in Virginia in 1995 by the Comprehensive Community Corrections Act (CCCA, §9.1-173 COV). They were created to provide an alternative to incarceration for persons convicted of certain misdemeanors or non-violent felonies for which sentences would be 12 months or less in a local or regional jail.
Probation Advancement Committee
Co-Chairs are Gary Hughes and JoAnn McLaurin-Carpenter
The purpose of the Probation Advancement Committee (PAC) is to support research driven practices among local probation agencies, promote innovation and practice to improve outcomes, and to identify areas of improvement and provide solutions to the VCCJA Executive Committee. Committee membership is voluntary and open to local pretrial and probation staff.